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The New Endagon.com

Yesterday morning, we finally launched the new endagon.com. I know most of you have probably already visited it by now (or at least the analytics suggests you did), but I wanted to briefly inform you on the site’s purpose and what to expect from it.
The new endagon.com will simply serve as the corporate umbrella site for everything Endagon. We hope to launch the new Endagon Innovations, Endagon Entertainment, and Endagon Music Licensing sites in the coming weeks. These, as you may have guessed, will provide more detailed information on each of the Endagon companies.

All of these sites have been built or are being built in WordPress. Throughout all of this development, if I have learned anything at all, it’s that WordPress really can do anything. God bless you, Matt Mullenweg!

Finally, I wanted to just remind everyone that although we launched the new Endagon site yesterday, it is still not 100% complete. We are still fine-tuning some things and just like any launch, you find the bugs after you release things sometimes. Therefore, I suggest you stay up to date to find out what we decide to change. At the very least, we will be blogging as a company, so that should encourage you to stay abreast.

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