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Outsourced Tasks This Week

It’s slated to be another busy week (When is it not?).
The first thing I did on this Monday morning is make sure I align my goals with tangible tasks that I can have someone else accomplish for me.

That’s why I use Fancy Hands every week. They are able to take care of things I don’t want to spend time on. Some examples of these types of tasks are below. I’m confident they’ll get all of these done by the end of the week:

  • Better Voicemail Ring Count: Can you call Better Voicemail to find out if I can lower the amount of times the phone rings before it initiates my custom answering system?
  • Mother’s Day Flowers: Find the lowest prices on flowers with accompanying cards so that I can buy the women of my life something special for Mother’s Day.
  • Ally Business Credit Card: I’m testing out Ally’s “virtual” banking solution. I’d like to find out how they handle businesses. Are there credit card options?
  • Find a Reliable Social Media Management Provider: I need an inexpensive service to partner with. Please find someone reliable.
  • Find a Reliable Content Writer: I need an inexpensive service to partner with. Please find someone reliable.

Now that’s being efficient.

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