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Outsourced Tasks This Week

I’ve been getting a lot of questions about how outsourcing tasks works out for me. To put it simply, if I didn’t love it, or see the return on the investment, I wouldn’t continue to do it.
Even more so, I wouldn’t flaunt the tasks I outsource each week if I didn’t feel it was a very important productivity element of my weeks.

Using Fancy Hands, I will let my team of virtual assistants take care of many of my to-do items that I’m not looking forward to doing throughout the week. Below is an example of this week’s list of tasks that I’m purposely avoiding.

  • Make Appointment: Call grout cleaning company to ask them about coming back to re-grout.
  • Call Bank About Charge: What is the process like? Who should we hire to do this?
  • Find Piping Repairman: I need someone to fix a leaky pipe.
  • Create Thanksgiving Content: We need to start writing holiday-themed content.
  • Postpone Roof Cleaning: Postpone a few days with cleaning company.

Keep the outsourcing questions coming. If I think I can help you set up your outsourcing system, I’ll give it a try.

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