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Goals In 2012

I’m pretty big on goal-setting. With every year comes the daunting task of creating revenue projections, profit estimations, and milestones to meet. While it’s super important to document all of this for your business, it’s just as important to set personal goals as well. As each month passes, make sure you revisit some of these goals to ensure that you are on the right path and focusing on what’s important to you.

For obvious reasons, I can’t publicize the majority of my year-end documents that I conjure up (both personally and professionally). Therefore, I have decided to mention some of the more general goals that I have made so that you can better understand how the goalsetting process works for me.

Personal Goals:

  • Eat healthier: I used to be a lot better at this, but as my life became busier, I threw some of my good eating habits out the window.
  • Work out / run / lift weights consistently: Now this is something that has changed drastically. I’m not as much of a health nut anymore, even though I do make sure I do some sort of physical activity at least 3 times a week. This year, it was mainly tennis and softball with an occasional jog around the block. In 2012, I am going to invest in a home gym and start lifting weights again and stick to a regimen that I can pull off everyday with my busy schedule.
  • Learn to cook better: I’m already on my way in this category. I have learned to enjoy cooking while following a menu regimen called e-mealz. They aren’t the hardest recipes to execute, but I hope to continue learning in the kitchen so that I can eat both healthier and more deliciously.
  • Keep the pool clean and healthy at all times: This is definitely more internal to my house and family, but my place has a very nice backyard with an outdoor pool. I have been taking a lot of pride in testing the water and making sure the pool stays clean. I have to make sure I don’t lose the desire to do so with time.
  • Write more often: This doesn’t mean to blog more. It’s actually a throwback to my school days when I would write song lyrics, poems, and stories on my free time. Nowadays, this might be journalistic observations or even a rough draft of a potential business book, but either way, I’d like to put pen to paper more often to relax during my down times.

Business Goals:

  • Write more often: Blogging is more of a business tactic to me. This one means to blog more often and definitely start penning a book on my free time.
  • Outsource more: I already outsource a lot of my personal tasks to a Virtual Assistant. I’d like to heighten their workload as I am becoming increasingly busier. If I can afford to do so, why should I spend time doing things I don’t like to do?
  • Start advertising: I have been very fortunate to have built many businesses on organic marketing tactics alone. In 2012, my growth tactics include all sorts of advertising to find out what will work. It will be a test, but I’m confident in my plans.
  • Do more email marketing: I have so many websites, yet I don’t fully take advantage of the traffic and the lists that are slowly being built. I’d like to spend more time providing value to the subscriber of those sites by doing even more listbuilding and email marketing.
  • Launch a quality new website application every month: I believe this was a goal on last year’s list. I wasn’t successful accomplishing this in 2011, but I was close. I probably created a dozen new sites in 2011, but there was no strategic launch schedule intact. That will become more organized in 2012.
  • Improve customer service / client relations processes and experience: I already believe that all of my companies offer great customer service, but I admit that everything can be improved upon internally. I am figuring out ways to launch new workflows in 2012 that will enhance all of my Client and Customer relationships and make them even happier working with us.

What are your goals in 2012? How are you planning on reaching them?

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