HomeBlogBusinessEntrepreneurshipThe 3 E’s of Leadership

The 3 E’s of Leadership

I brainstormed some of the attributes a CEO, or any form of leader/manager, should possess in order to successfully lead a team.

After thinking about the most important attributes, they coincidentally turned into 3 actionable verbs. 

They are as follows:

  • Emphasize – Company mission: At a business’s core is its devotion to a single mission. Sometimes these missions aren’t easy to bucket into one frame, but the best ones usually are the simplest. The most effective business leaders remind his/her team of this value proposition, and correct those that steer off the path as soon as possible. The most focused companies are the most efficient ones. 
  • Embody – Company culture: While every company should shoot to impact the world in some way, the less tangible attribute toward doing so is the company’s culture. The best companies are those that stand for something and understand themselves completely. Business leaders should be the epitome of that one thing – and those attributes should trickle down through all of the team members company-wide. 
  • Empower – Employee creativity: The most impactful are often those that think outside of the box. They house knowledge that strays from the norm. That’s what makes them unique and irreplaceable. However, this mentality starts from the top. If a business leader promotes free thinking and autonomous problem solving, decisions will be made much quicker. Thus, making the company more productive in the long-run. 

Consider which of these you are lacking in your own business and modify what you can accordingly. 

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