Work has long been synonymous with terms like toil, slog and the daily grind.
However, in recent years there has been a shift in how we think about work. In an
effort to attract and retain top talent, many organisations have implemented a
positive psychology approach. In other words, they have focused their efforts on
creating workplaces that are enjoyable as well as productive. According to S. C. H.
Chan, a fun work environment boosts wellbeing among employees and helps to
nurture creativity, enthusiasm, satisfaction and communication among workers. All of
this is not only good news for employees, it’s also positive for business’ balance
sheets, as happy workers are thought to be more committed.
Twenty-first century businesses are incorporating fun into their workplaces in a range
of ways. Here are just three easy-to-implement things they are doing to make
working life more enjoyable:
Providing facilities for relaxation and entertainment
Many workers are expected to put in long hours on occasion to ensure that tasks are
completed on time and to a certain standard. However, hard work and long hours
can put employee wellbeing in jeopardy. To encourage staff to de-stress, re-energise
and develop bonds with colleagues, many workplaces have replaced the traditional
staff room with its more exciting cousin, the breakout room. Housing everything from
games consoles, to table tennis equipment, to pool tables, these areas are intended
to get employees relaxing and interacting and are usually filled with furniture that’s
designed to inspire creativity, encourage communication and help workers unwind.
To create a fun breakout room in your office, why not ask your employees what kind
of games and activities they’d like to have access to. For design inspiration, sites like
Pinterest and Calibre should be able to help.
Setting up social committees
There’s nothing worse than being at a stuffy work social where everyone wishes they
were somewhere else. Instead of holding another poorly attended, dreary cheese-
and-wine evening, why not set up a social committee to encourage staff to take more
control of events organisation? Many workplaces are creating these panels to allow
workers to generate their own ideas for nights out, charity events and the like.
Whether it’s paintballing on a Saturday morning or holding a baking competition on a
Friday afternoon, by allowing staff have a say, you can be more confident that
workers will actually want to get involved in the activities that are organised. The
potential result – an empowered, engaged and bonded workforce.
Remember to listen to staff
In your quest to create a fun work environment, it’s a good idea to consider your
workers’ points-of-view. After all, they are the people you are trying to please. Have
an open door policy in place so they can come to you with suggestions on ways to
improve satisfaction and wellbeing at work and consult with them before making final
decisions. This kind of attentiveness and transparency can pay off in loyalty, respect
and dedication.