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One Liners

The one I chose for this website is “Entrepreneur. Innovator. Marketer.” It’s a one-liner that summarizes what you’ll find on loganlenz.com. It’s short, simple, and summarizes both me as a businessperson and casually welcomes discussions about working together.

But slogans aren’t easy to come up with. 

The team at Elev.io realized this and stood up a website that helps to crowdsource great one-liners for companies

The trend of catchy one-liners were recently made more important due to the increase in competition in the startup world. Everyone seems to be working on something, but the many variations and levels of specificity can make it difficult to explain while you have an onlooker’s full attention. 

Angelist, for example, features thousands of startups like this. They try to grab attention by summarizing their startup as “Uber for lawn care.” Or “Yelp for Flight Attendants.” These short one-liners either immediately pique your interest or yield a metaphorical swipe leftward. 

What’s your one-liner? 

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