HomeBlogAutomationTeach the WorldMay’s 30 Day Challenge

May’s 30 Day Challenge

Last month, I successfully migrated my websites over to SquareSpace. I challenged myself to work on my websites a little bit every day in hopes to consolidate most of my properties into less domains/websites to manage. 

The result is the new endagon.com. As you can tell, I’ve folded the following brands into the domain and applied a 301 redirect for SEO purposes:

Now I have cut costs on maintaining a handful of site configurations and only have to manage one domain on one server. 

Simplification is important.

As for May, I’m making it a musical month again. I’m planning on busting out the guitar every day and expanding my knowledge base of chords and songs to play. 

Like what I dd with the piano a few months back, I also will be writing my own material as the month progresses. The goal is to simply be more comfortable with the guitar and to be able to scribe original music quicker with the instrument. 

At the end of the month, I’ll be sure to report back on my progress. If you listen to my Through the Lenz podcast, I will outline the outcomes there. 

What are you focusing on in May? 

Whatever it is, I hope you have a great month! 

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