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Trust and Loyalty

You can go out and find me the smartest and most specialized professional to hire, but he won’t be as valuable to me as those I’ve already surrounded myself with. At least not initially.

You see, you can’t buy trust. You earn it. And if you have someone’s trust, you have everything you could ever want from them. And if it’s mutual, you have a loving and extremely beneficial relationship.

Too many employers overlook the team members that stick with them. It’s almost as if we take it for granted that they’ve devoted the majority of their life to help us out with a mission we came up with on a whim. If that’s not trust, I don’t know what is.

But then continuing to devote years of their lives day in and day out? How can you not choose to value that worker more than your super-educated hired gun?

Please don’t overlook those that show you loyalty. Honor them. Encourage them. Make sure they’re always happy. If you continue to take care of them, you will breed even more loyalty around the office. And that’s how you build a strong company culture, and a valuable company over time.

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