HomeBlogBusinessEntrepreneurshipAn Infinite Number of Ways

An Infinite Number of Ways

Unless there is one clearly defined way to do a certain process, you can’t possibly be doing the task incorrectly. You’re just doing it the best way you deemed fit. 

When there are an infinite number of ways to execute on something, there are just as many opinions when the output is turned in (or product is shipped). 

“I would have done this instead” might be a common statement in these situations. 

As managers, if a creative deliverable isn’t our goal, we need to learn how to document every step of a process that matches our goal. If we do choose to amplify creativity, on the other hand, we need to be prepared to defend our team members that chose to go down a certain path. 

It was our decision to put that person in charge of said task. The result ultimately rests with you, the manager. 

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